The human condition as a subversive horizon in Latin American philosophies of education. | Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory
The human condition as a subversive horizon in Latin American philosophies of education.
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human condition


How to Cite

Samé Iglesias, T. (2024). The human condition as a subversive horizon in Latin American philosophies of education. Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory, 6(16), 113–126.


Thinking education from Latin America emerges among the most relevant contemporary challenges in a world increasingly interdependent, complex and affected by a structural and systemic civilizational crisis. This places us before a requirement of perennial theoretical updating for the examination of the conditions, the how and the future of education and its unavoidable interrogation to the human condition: critical-formative axis of possibility and intersubjective and intercultural recognitions. To demonstrate the links of theoretical-civic-educational interiority in the Paulo Freire - Néstor García Canclini - Raúl Fornet-Betancourt triad and to interpret the formative functionality of the conceptual approaches on autonomy in the former, and interculturality in the latter, in the light of the human condition as a horizon of meanings, will be, for these reasons, objectives to be elucidated. In methodological terms, an examination of some of the relevant texts of these authors, the content analysis and the hermeneutic treatment of the bibliography are proposed. As a result of this examination, the ideas of autonomy and interculturality and their links make explicit their theoretical sustenance of holistic sense indicative of learning modes and socializing and inter-dynamic praxis. Anticipating conclusions should indicate this Latin American neohumanism as a theoretical enhancer of methodological, epistemic, ethical and emotional authenticity; and a referent of what we share in the recognition of our differences.
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