Schopenhauer and the importance of the body in his philosophy | Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory
Schopenhauer and the importance of the body in his philosophy
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How to Cite

Torres Beregovenko, G. (2021). Schopenhauer and the importance of the body in his philosophy. Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory, 3(8), 22–34.


This article aims to show the value of the body in Schopenhauer's philosophy. It begins with a theoretical problem that Schopenhauer founds as the distinction between illusion and true knowledge. Then, the body is shown as a theoretical premise to later elucidate its philosophical importance. As a whole, the article tries to expose an interpretation of the body as an active principle in philosophy and its value in Schopenhauer's epistemology.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Gabriel Torres Beregovenko


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