On social acceleration and religious deinstitutionalization | Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory
On social acceleration and religious deinstitutionalization
Nuevo número de Dialektika
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lived religion
social acceleration
religious disaffiliation


How to Cite

Zavala Aránguiz, I. (2024). On social acceleration and religious deinstitutionalization. Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory, 6(17), 102–111. https://doi.org/10.51528/dk.vol6.id165


This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of institutional religious disaffiliation through the perspective of lived religion studies, linking it to Hartmut Rosa's theory of social acceleration. The argument put forth is that the acceleration of modernity, as described by Rosa, shapes phenomena such as "my way" belief and the deinstitutionalization of religious experience. The analysis is grounded in a conceptual framework that highlights the main assumptions of lived religion studies, demonstrating how the autonomization of belief, the reinterpretation of the primacy of the religious sphere, and the reduction of institutional mediators can be better understood when factoring in social acceleration. By integrating Rosa's temporal analysis of modernity, the paper establishes a connection between the accelerative tendencies of modernity and the rise of situational identities and institutional detachment, which characterize contemporary religious expressions in both secular and post-secular contexts.

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