Along the paths of the mind: a media apology | Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory
Along the paths of the mind: a media apology
Nuevo número de Dialektika
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media spheres
externalization information
cognitive processes


How to Cite

García Hernández, R. (2024). Along the paths of the mind: a media apology. Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory, 6(17), 45–64.


In the information society, the characteristics and functions of computers and digital systems have become integral to the human ecosystem, acting as reified extensions of the mind. Through the incorporation of essential technological tools into modern life, technical systems and their applications have facilitated the expansion of human cognition into new sensory environments—both in productive and receptive ways, albeit within certain limits. Consequently, the relationship between humans, technology, and information has become increasingly individualized, while also unfolding within globalized and interconnected social contexts. The ongoing sociotechnical transformation, which has been evolving for decades, is profound and multidimensional, influencing human aspirations, interests, and behaviors. This article explores how the development of technical systems has shaped cognitive processes, and how these processes, in turn, affect media environments and their broader societal projections.
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