The problem of necessity and historical discourse | Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory
The problem of necessity and historical discourse
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Quentin Meillassoux
Postcolonial Theory


How to Cite

Rodríguez Martínez, M. C. (2024). The problem of necessity and historical discourse: A look from the critical view of Quentin Meillassoux and postcolonial theory. Dialektika: Journal of Philosophical Research and Social Theory, 6(16), 16–25.


If the relationship between the postcolonial theory and Quentin Meillassoux can be approached from various standpoints within the frame of the current analysis, the objectives will focus on the link that can be established from the critique they both perform to the notion of necessity and the consequences of the latter for the historical narrative and the legitimacy of colonial and imperial narrative in the modern western society.
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