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The concept of wuyûd (existence) in Mullâ Ṣadrâ under the use of the Elative case

número 11 de Dialektika


The Persian philosopher Mullâ Ṣadrâ (1571- 1635) carried out a philosophical work framed in the concept of wuyûd. This concept denotes existence or Being. In his texts, as in other Islamic philosophers, a superlative connotation was given to the concept of wuyûd with the use of the elative or âf 'alu tafdzîl in Arabic. The use of this elative corresponds to an affirmation that highlights the ontological status of the Being. From an analysis of two fragments of the works of Mullâ Ṣadrâ "Aš-šawâhid ar-rubûbiyya" and "Kitâb al-mašâˁir" a comparative study of the use of the elative from the logic of predicates managed by the German logician Kai Borrmann will be carried out and the Constructive Theory of Types (CTT) used by the Indian-Argentine logician Shahid Rahman.


elative, wuyûd, existence, Predicate Logic, Constructive Theory of Types

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