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The aesthetic value of contemporary artwork


The text analyzes the questions of value from the economic and aesthetic points of view, arguing a relationship of non-correspondence within our current capitalist society. An axiological discussion of values ​​is recreated according to the evolutionary theories of art and the anthropological current of cultural materialism to reason the human value and the monetary cost of the contemporary work of art. All under the criticism of political economy and its scheme of reproduction of human relations through merchandise. In order to conclude that this communication must be dialectical, become a real horizontal dialogue, taking into account participation in the total construction of the work of art. Not only does the production process end in this first process, leaving the valorization in the second distribution circle, but in its last phase of consumption there is also a participatory criticism.


economic value, aesthetic value, axiology, cultural materialism, evolutionary aesthetics, participatory aesthetics

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Author Biography

José Manuel Figueras Corte

Maestro en Estética y Arte por la BUAP, Licenciado en Economía por la UNAM y periodista cultural en Puebla, México. [email protected]


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