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The art of the death of art: the problem of aesthetics in hegelian theory

número 11 de Dialektika


Countless studies have referred to the Hegelian thesis on the preterit character of art. Most of them are from a fatalistic point of view and, in other cases, from the common sense of what has been stated. This paper attempts to approach this thesis from an analytical understanding, considering the Hegelian context of systemic thought, as well as the study of its different categories, creating at the same time a motive for the clarification of certain specific concepts of the philosophy of art embodied in the Lessons on Aesthetics. As it will be seen, this aesthetic thinking is closely linked to a theory of freedom and reflexivity, which will shed further light on the problem of the death of art and the ideas and works that came after Hegel.


art, past, reflexion, freedom

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