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Commentary to the Preface of "The Essential Tension" by Thomas Kuhn


This review highlights, as virtues, some of the points made by Kuhn in the Preface, which, in a way, is a defense and review of his works, in particular of the very influential Structure of Scientific Revolutions. From our perspective, perhaps paradoxically, these same virtues, in the end, end up becoming flaws from a philosophical point of view.


Thomas Kuhn, La Tensión Esencial

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Author Biography

Joaquín Berriel

- Licenciatura en Filosofía Universidad de la República (UdelaR Uruguay)

- Estudiante Profesorado de Filosofía en Instituto de profesores Artigas (I.P.A Uruguay)

-Docente e investigador del CEAAT (Centro de estudios árabes Al Thuraya)


  1. Marx & Engels, Obras Escogidas en tres tomos (Editorial Progreso, Moscú, 1974), t. III. Disponible en
  2. Kuhn, Thomas, (1977). La Tensión Esencial. Editorial FCE. México D.F.
  3. Kuhn, Thomas, (1969). Posdata. En La estructura de las revoluciones científicas (Editorial FCE, México D.F, 1962).
  4. Kuhn, Thomas, (1970) Segundos pensamientos sobre Paradigmas. Editorial Tecnos. Madrid.


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