The Pythagorean in the philosophy of Suhrawardî and the ishraqî school
The objective of this article is to describe the influence and reinterpretation of Pythagorean thought on the Persian philosophers of the ishraqî or Illuminative school, centered on its founder Shihâd al-Dîn Yahyâ Suhrawardî (1154-1198), and how these reinterpretations were later systematized by the Persian philosopher Mullâ Ṣadrâ (1571-1635). This reinterpretation of the Islamic philosophy of Pythagoreanism was made by the process of translating into Arabic the works of Plato and the Neoplatonic philosophers in the Islamic context. In this way, epistemological and ontological themes related to the soul, metempsychosis, perception, knowledge by presence, self-consciousness, selfhood and reality were articulated in this context. In these philosophical themes is the Orphic-Pythagorean influence of ancient thinkers such as Heraclitus, Parmenides, Empedocles, Socrates and Plato, who were integrated into the monotheistic context of Islam.
pythagoreanism, ishraqî, self-consciousness, soul, reality
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