The marxism-positivism dichotomy in the construction and deconstruction of History: Notes on its contemporaneity
The Marxist conception is centered in a deep and rigorous analysis of the society, in which you/they are present the dialectical and historical focus. With the result that from the own appearance of the Marxism and their revolutionary goods in the historical studies, have taken place a radical overturn in the historiography. It has allowed it to show their instrumentality and present time, as long as alone from a Marxist position it can understand each other the scientific character of the History, their social dimension, storm and complex.
The article constitutes an approach to the understanding of the existent relationship between the epistemology and methodology Marxists and the construction and investigation of the History, using for it works of Marx and Marxist historians.
marxism, marxist historiography, history of epistemology, history, Marxism-positivism dichotomic
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