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Hegel and the finitude of the negative

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It is somewhat usual to locate Hegel's work on a totalizing and fatalistic plane, and the other hand, in an existential dimension. The present paper tries to approach the question from another perspective. For this, it starts considering the central axis of the problem: the concept of negativity and its finite nature, which would highlight a hitherto unclear feature of the negative and which undoubtedly constitutes the foundation of something like the Substance-Subject. We will refer to essential phenomena involved as the self-outflow of consciousness and its self-tearing, which will form part of the argument. Likewise, we intend to show at the end how the phenomenon of the finitude of the negative carried to its ultimate consequences, leads to the will to power of Nietzsche and the will to know of a Foucault.


negativity, self, transcendence, being

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Author Biography

Yoan Miguel Parra Marrero

Profesor de filosofía y teoría del arte. Máster en Estética y Arte, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.


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