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Silence as a Language for Contemplation: Sensory Approach to Edmond Jabès and James Turrell

Nuevo número de Dialektika


In order to reflect on the literary work of Edmond Jabès and the artistic work of James Turrell, this article explores the concept of contemplative and introspective silence through the senses of sight, hearing, and touch. It presents a notion of silence that goes beyond mere absence, emphasizing how deep introspection and contemplation of inner states connect both creators. The focus is on how the writer and the artist draw on sensory experiences to evoke emotions and lead the reader or observer into new realms of understanding. To this end, the article examines the specific techniques employed by each, such as Jabès' use of language and Turrell's manipulation of light and space.


Edmond Jabès, James Turrell, silence, literature, aesthetics

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Author Biography

Mariana Arbeláez-Cataño

She holds a Master's degree in Fine Arts from the National University of Colombia and a Bachelor's degree in Childhood Pedagogy from the University of Antioquia. She is a candidate for a Master's degree in Aesthetics from the National University of Colombia. Her activities span both academic and artistic practices, with participation as a speaker at national academic events, such as the III International Congress on Educational Thought (2022) at La Salle University, and the III National Colloquium on Feminist and Gender Studies (2022) at the National University of Colombia and the University of Antioquia. Currently, she is a postgraduate scholarship recipient and is conducting research titled “The Hidden Webs of Modesty: An Aesthetic Interpretation of the Morality in Manuel Antonio Carreño’s Manual of Urbanity and Good Manners.


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