On history and political gestures: About the exhibition Garden of Forking Paths. Founding acts and refounding gestures
This text takes as an excuse the homonymous exhibition at the Museo de Antioquia, to address the history and political gestures in contemporary art. By addressing some curatorial approaches of the exhibition, it explores the cultural functions of the museum as a place of localization of descriptive and communicative processes about culture, and how the exhibition reveals the negative effects of these functions on cultural processes. The text highlights the presence of the artist Jorge Marín, who in his works questions the influence of the notion of progress in the territory. He recovers what has been discarded by history to stage what has been rejected and repudiated. Marín's works are presented as a survival strategy that illuminates other ways of thinking about the territory of culture and questions the concept of history as a fixed representation. In this way, it highlights the importance of addressing history and political gestures in the production of contemporary art, and how the exhibition "El Jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan" and the work of Jorge Marín are examples of how art can question and subvert the hegemonic narratives of history and culture.
contemporary art, museum, history, political gestures, Jorge Marín
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