Hic Sunt Dracones: The process of transference as the core of man's relationship to the world
The process of transference reveals that man has placed himself in the world, even while looking to himself as a stranger. Humanity has given to the unknown a meaning that emerges from the most unapproachable mystery. From the first steps until today, human activity attempts against its own development, finding brakes for a full realization. The present investigation approaches this problem from a dialogue between Marxism, Philosophical Anthropology and Psychoanalysis. A relationship that finds common agreement in that what humanity has produced turns against it. Emphasizing that the path to full realization is found in self-knowledge; archaic advice that accompanies the human being up to the present. The clarification of the problem that shows man as the incarnated conflict, as a stranger in the world and in himself, is what the present investigation proposes, from the mentioned traditions of thought. The confrontation with the problematic is in a groove that grows towards the interior of man himself. The transformation of the world depends on the transformation of man. The oldest conflict is also the most urgent.
projection, transference, man, world, unconscious
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