Identity and appropriation in hyperculture
In a contemporary era marked by cultural multiplicity, the Asian philosopher Han presents his proposal on Hyperculture. This text revolves around the homonymous book by the same author, Byung-Chul Han, specifically breaking down his thesis and considerations regarding appropriation and identity, and by extension, on the concepts of "other" and "otherness," addressed in accordance with the definitions offered by Tenorio (2003). Once the ways in which these elements are conceived have been discussed, the author's thesis is extrapolated and grounded in the field of art, specifically music as a unit of representation of identity and potentially aggressive appropriation addressed around the exportation of Latin American rhythms. While the terms in which hyperculture is proposed are available, characteristics of inter, multi, and transculturality to whom the cultural phenomenon as a constituent of individuality and collectivity equally applies are also considered.
hiperculture, identity, appropriation, music
- Han, B. (2018). Hiperculturalidad. Herder.
- Hormigos, J., & Martín Cabello, A. (2008). La construcción de la identidad juvenil a través de la música. Revista Española De Sociología, (4), 259-270.
- Tenorio, M. C. (2003). Narraciones que crean identidad: la historia familiar y los niños en el pre-escolar. Seminario Taller: el aprendizaje en el pre-escolar. «Un encuentro con sentido».