Two political readings of Mullā Ṣadrā's philosophy in the iranian present day: the concept of wilāya
In the current Iranian context, two types of political readings of the philosophy of Mullā Ṣadrā (1571-1640) can be appreciated, although it is evident that this Persian philosopher did not leave a work of political philosophy. These two interpretations have as their core the meaning of the technical term wilāya (friendship, guardianship, guidance), whose concept has deep use in the Islamic mysticism of Ibn ʿArabī (1165 - 1240) and in the Ontology of Mullā Ṣadrā. This article will investigate the two positions of the political reading of Ṣadrā based on a lexicographic review of the term and the use of the concept of wilāya al-faqīh by Rūhollah Ḫomeīnī and his criticism by the Iranian contemporary philosophers ‘Abdulkarīm Suroūš and Moḥsen Kadīwar.
wilāya, Mullā Ṣadrā, wilāya al-faqīh, Islamic Mysticism, Islamic Political Philosophy
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