Emotions in the teaching of philosophy: an exploratory study on the diversity of authors, themes and strategies.
Introduction. Emotional experience has been proposed as a phenomenon that can be addressed in the practice of teaching philosophy. In this paper, after a brief theoretical review, a relevant conceptual distinction is established and a study is reported. Methods. An exploratory design was used, using a qualitative survey where philosophy teachers (n= 45) wrote open-ended responses about authors, themes, and strategies/methodologies to address experience and emotional vocabulary. For the strategies/methodologies, the answers were coded inductively, while the authors and themes were analyzed with pre-structured categories. Results/Discussion. The methodological approach used is useful for exploring diversity. This is very broad in the responses about authors that can be used to address the experience and emotional vocabulary in the classroom (117). Although the variety of "philosophical-emotional themes" that can be treated is also diverse, a certain convergence is observed in typically philosophical themes, such as "happiness", "love", "fear", "freedom", "anguish", etc. With respect to methodologies and strategies, diversity is less, presenting dialogue as the central resource, together with literacy, the use of artistic resources and active/embodied methodologies. Conclusion. The teaching of philosophy appears as a fertile land for the approach of emotional experience; however, defining its desirability involves both more research and philosophical discussion about the goals of teaching philosophy.
emotion, affect, teaching, education, qualitative research
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