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The Transnational State: the transnationalization of the imperialist State and the last historic metamorphosis of the hegemonic personifications of capital

portada de Dialektika número 13


The article begins with a general assessment of the Marxist theory of the State. The main idea here consists in that the State and the political hegemony in general has its basis in the antagonistic division of labour, specially in the division between material production and ideal production. The intellectuals, as a differentiated social category, constitute in this way the 'elementary cell' of the hegemony and the State in the whole. Then it is exposed a treatment of the specificity of the capitalist State and it is subsequently determined the category of intellectual as a peculiar personification of capital: the hegemonic personification of capital. Afterwards, the article elaborates about the actual form of the world capital system, with the concepts of 'transnationalization of the State monopoly capitalism' and the 'structural crisis of capital'. As a synthesis of what precedes, it is exposed the thesis that the political determination of the historic process of transnationalization of the State monopoly capitalism appears as the metamorphosis of the hegemonic personifications of capital. Finally, the article concludes with the idea that the political transnationalization of the capital system implies the potentiality of a true universalization of the human relations — if this antagonistic form of social production is overcome.


Capital personifications, Hegemony, Structural crisis of capital, Transnational State

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