A Letter from Dialektika
Dear Authors, Reviewers, Readers, Editors, and Community:
First, I want to greet you and ask you to stay at home as much as possible, complying with medical advice to try to stop the advance of the Covid-19. On our side, Dialektika, everything is going well. Both, on our website and in the academic journal, we have continued to receive collaborations and generate relevant philosophical content during these two months.
I take this short communication to inform you that our website has been growing in recent times thanks to the support and help of many friends from Bolivia, Mexico, Germany, Ecuador, Spain, Cuba, Chile and Serbia. Friends who have sent us their contributions, news, or who have supported the clerical tasks necessary to maintain an initiative like this. I encourage you to participate with your papers, projects, ideas, or judgment, either on the website or in the academic journal.
In the case of the academic journal, we ask you to please update your areas of specialization in your user dashboard inside the journal, if you have registered as reviewers. In this way, we can undertake the search for experts for blind peer review as quickly as possible. The latter can be done by entering in your profile (https://journal.dialektika.org/ojs/index.php/logos/user/profile).
If you find any problem, you can send the information to the email: jorgearocha@dialektika.org.
I wanted to end by informing you that today we have finished updating the software we use for managing the journal (Open Journal System) from version 3 to 3.2. Design changes are not visible yet, but structurally the journal has gained in speed and functionality in manuscript management. From the authors' point of view, the registration of ORCID IDs can now be made by associating profiles with our journal.
I want to thank you for your support and send you greetings. Once again, wishing that you are in a safe place, and complying with the necessary measures to slow the advance of the pandemic.
Kind regards and many professional successes,
Dr. Jorge Gonzalez Arocha